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B2C, B2b or D2C

You might have heard about these abbreviations before. They are used regularly when it comes to e-commerce, but what do they mean? 

B2C – Business to Consumer

As you might expert, Business to Consumer are webshops that directly provide a service to customers. 

B2B – Business to Business

The main focus of these shops is servicing other businesses or organizations. An example of a B2B online store is an online store where engineers order their products for their next job, for example, parts of a certain machine. 

D2C – Dealer to Consumer

This is an upcoming type of e-commerce shop, where products are directly sent from Producer or dealer to the final consumer. An example of this is dropshipping. 

Different shops mean different demands

Every webshop has its own set of demands and important markers. When you serve customers directly, well-thought-out branding will do wonders. But when your focus is on servicing businesses, you might find that ordering large quantities is way more important. 

We at Memo ICT always love to think along with your business and its needs. Our team of Shopware experts is ready to advise and implement the latest Shopware technology for your store, providing you with long-term solutions.